From Father Ponec:
A Prayer for Keeping a Holy Lent
From Father Ponec:
2020 Synod-Diocese of the Western States
The 29th Annual Synod and ACW Conference will be held in Chico, California from May 5-9, 2020. Bishop Hansen and the parish of St. Augustine’s will be our hosts.
Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Upham
March Shepherd’s Staff
The March edition of the Diocese of the Western States newsletter is available. You can access the newsletter by clicking here.
Father Ponec appointed Priest-in-Charge
Bishop Ashman has appointed the Reverend Robert F. Ponec as Priest-in-Charge of St. Bartholomew’s Parish. Father Ponec will celebrate Holy Communion monthly beginning March 22nd, and will celebrate with us on Easter Day.
Columbarium Project Update
The vestry has voted to move ahead with the columbarium project. If you would like to support the effort to purchase and install a parish columbarium, either through a donation and/or by reserving a niche, please contact our Sr. Warden Rick Gregory or Vestryman DJ. Synnott.
We expect work to begin this spring!
October Chili Feast
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Oct 27 Chili feast! In addition to a great meal, the ACW collected $165 to benefit Matthew House, a local organization dedicated to assisting children and the families of people incarcerated in Washington’s prisons.
February Shepherd’s Staff
The February edition of the Diocese of the Western States newsletter is available. You can access the newsletter by clicking here.
January Shepherd’s Staff
The January 2020 edition of the Diocese of the Western States newsletter is available. You can access the newsletter by clicking here.