
Advent & Christmas at St. Bartholomew’s

Upcoming Events

Sunday, December 15
The Third Sunday in Advent

10:00 am Morning Prayer and the Holy Communion
10:00 am Children’s Sunday School
Order of Service

Sunday, December 15
Festive Christmas Party

following the Liturgy
BBQ lunch and a visit from St. Nicholas

Advent Ingathering of Infant Layette Items
Bring new and gently used infant items to the Narthex on Sunday mornings in Advent.
List of requested items

Sunday, December 22
Greening the Church for Christmastide

Join us following the Liturgy to decorate the church and grounds for Christmastide services.
Many hands make light work!

About Our Parish

Thank you for your interest in St. Bartholomew’s Anglican Church. We are a Christian community that observes an ancient pattern of liturgy and prayer in order to know Christ and be a faithful presence for him in the world.

We welcome all who seek the comfort of the Holy Sacraments, the guidance of Scripture and God’s companionship and love. We invite you to visit in person and experience this community for yourself.

A visitor’s guide →
Directions →

Sunday Mornings at St. Bartholomew’s

First Sunday in Advent 2024

Worship. We gather every Sunday morning at 10:00 am for worship. Our traditional liturgy is Christ-centered, grounded in the prayers and music of the early Church and the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.

Education. Children’s Education meets at 10:00 am in the Leen Center across the walkway from the church entrance. Children return to their families at Communion time.

Fellowship. Immediately following the service we gather downstairs in the Parish Hall for coffee, delicious food and good conversation. Everyone is welcome.

Sunday Liturgy Schedule

The Advent Season
December 2024

Sunday, December 15
The Third Sunday in Advent

10:00 am Morning Prayer, the Litany, and the Holy Communion
10:00 am Children’s Sunday School
Fr. Rick Gregory, Celebrant
Mr. Larry Talbott, Officiant and Preacher

🌲 Christmas Party & BBQ Lunch after the Liturgy. All are welcome.

Sunday, December 22
The Fourth Sunday in Advent

10:00 am Morning Prayer and the Holy Communion
10:00 am Children’s Sunday School
Fr. Rick Gregory, Celebrant and Preacher
Mr. Larry Talbott, Officiant
Mr. Wayne Ritchie, Principal Guest Organist

🌲 Greening and Decorating of the Church for Christmastide follows the Liturgy.


Tuesday, December 24
Christmas Eve

5:00 pm Evening Prayer and the Holy Communion
Fr. Rick Gregory, Celebrant and Preacher
Mr. Larry Talbott, Officiant
Mr. Wayne Ritchie, Principal Guest Organist

Wednesday, December 25
Christmas Day

10:00 am Morning Prayer and the Holy Communion
Fr. Rick Gregory, Celebrant and Preacher

Sunday, December 29
First Sunday after Christmas Day

10:00 am Morning Prayer and the Holy Communion
10:00 am Children’s Sunday School
Fr. Rick Gregory, Celebrant
Mr. Larry Talbott, Officiant and Preacher
Mr. Wayne Ritchie, Principal Guest Organist

Anglican Cross (decoration)