Anglican Churchwomen (ACW)

What is ACW?

Anglican Church Women (ACW) is an organization throughout the Anglican Province of Christ the King. Each local ACW chapter helps support the mission of the Church, in its parish, through acts of Christian charity. Local chapters also support the diocesan and provincial ACW projects.

The ACW at St. Bartholomew’s

St. Bartholomew’s ACW is a parish guild for women. We support each other in prayer and Christian friendship. We also organize projects and events that further the work of our parish and the broader Church locally and internationally. Working closely with the Rector, we:

  • form partnerships with local and international service organizations
  • host parish community events
  • help care for our parish building, and maintain the grounds,
  • care for members of our parish

Projects and Events Supported by ACW

Monthly Meetings

The ACW meets about once a month after the Sunday Liturgy. We welcome you to join us!