Music at St. Bartholomew’s

St. Thomas Choir, NY

“We must make the words the utterance of our own souls; the music the expression of our own personal worship, our own joy or sorrow or brave determination. Only so can we rightly use this richly varied treasure bequeathed us from every age of the Church.”

Preface to 1940 Hymnal

Music has always been a sacred and integral part of Anglican worship. At St. Bartholomew’s, we continue this tradition. Most of our hymns are drawn from the 1940 Hymnal. In addition, canticles, graduals, and Gospel are chanted. Our music is offered to the glory of God, and seeks to draw all who worship here into deeper union with God in Christ.

About the 1940 Hymnal

The 1940 Hymnal truly is a treasure, with texts dating back to the 2nd century, and tunes as old as the 6th century. The service music includes ancient Hebrew psalms, plainsong, and traditional Anglican chant. The collection comes to us from every age of traditional Christian music: from the medieval to the Carolingian era, from the Latin and Eastern Church canon, the great choral and symphonic works, and from the great hymnists of the 17th to 20th centuries.

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(Click on the following links (then click “Open” when prompted) to hear.)

Ascensiontide Evensong, recorded in May 2012, with the St. Bartholomew’s Schola Cantorum and the Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Roman Catholic Church choir. St. Bartholomew’s was assisted by Fr. Frank Schuster from Blessed Teresa and Deacon Ed Miller.

1. Introit: Viri Galilaei, Mode IV & Lucis Creator, G. Asola (1532-1609)  

2. Magnificat: Fauxbourdon, T. Morley (1557-1602)  

3. Nunc Dimittis: Short Service, Thomas Weelkes (1576-1623)

4. Anthem: Rejoice in the Lord Alway, Henry Purcell (1659-1695)