The Anglican Province of Christ the King

The Mass at Saint Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological Seminary

About the Province

St. Bartholomews is a member parish of the Anglican Province of Christ the King (APCK). The American-based APCK is Christ-centered and celebrates Apostolic Christianity in the Anglican tradition. Our beliefs are founded on Holy Scripture, the ancient creeds of the Church, and New Testament morality. They are expressed in the 1928 Book of Common prayer used in our worship services.

A Short History

In the aftermath of World War II, attacks upon the Christian faith concerned many Episcopalians. These attacks peaked in the 1976 General Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota, when the Episcopal Church made sweeping changes. The convention abandoned the majestic spirituality and apostolic faith of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.  The convention allowed bishops and priests to break their vows and renounce the doctrines and disciplines of the apostolic Church.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Episcopalian clergy and laity gathered in 1977 in St. Louis, Missouri. They issued the Affirmation of St. Louis, which confirmed their belief in orthodox Christianity. With the authority of the Affirmation, six parishes formed the Anglican Province of Christ the King, electing the Rev. Robert Sherwood Morse, rector of St. Peter’s, Oakland, as bishop. Father Morse was consecrated to the episcopacy by the requisite three bishops on January 28, 1978. The Rt. Rev. Albert A. Chambers, retired Episcopal Bishop of Springfield, Illinois, served as chief consecrator.

In 1979, to ensure future priests would be trained in the Apostolic Faith, the Province of Christ the King established Saint Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College in Berkeley, California, under the patronage of this legendary founder of English Christianity.

The Province embodies the historic Anglican faith that produced:

  • the King James Bible
  • the literature of writers such as William Shakespeare, T.S. Eliot, C.S. Lewis, and Dorothy Sayers,
  • eleven U.S. presidents and most of our nation’s founding fathers.

The Province of Christ the King comprises two dioceses: The Diocese of the Atlantic States and the Diocese of the Southwestern and Western States. Our parishes are open to all who seek the love of God and an eternal and unchanging faith, founded in Christ and expressed in a timeless liturgy. For more about the Province, its dioceses and bishops, please visit the APCK website.