Keep up to date on all the parish news. Contact Fr. Rick to be added to the weekly parish newsletter e-mail list.

Bible Study & Faith Formation
Fall Seminary classes will begin soon. There are many requests from parishioners for Bible Study and other faith formation resources. Our Seminary courses are for clergy and laity alike so please do check the email sent to you about the courses being offered. Course descriptions and registration information is available in the latest issue of The Shepherd’s Staff.

September Vestry Meeting
The next business meeting of the Vestry will be 15 September 2024 after the Liturgy.

September ACW Meeting
The next meeting of the Anglican Church Women (ACW) will take place on 22 September after the Liturgy. There will be an opportunity for prayer and fellowship. We’ll write Sunshine Cards and discuss our outreach projects for the remainder of 2024. All women of the parish are invited.